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2018 Winter Olympics Have Broken The Record For Most Condoms Passed Out To Athletes!

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The Olympics don’t begin for another week, and the first record has already been broken!
That record is… most condoms ever handed out to Winter Oympians!
With hotties like Team USA members Gus Kenworthy, Mikaela Shiffrin, and Adam Rippon (above) present, we can’t say we blame everyone for getting a touch overzealous!
Video: Gus Tells Conan Why He Didn’t Come Out At The Olympics
The South China Morning Post reports that the Pyeongchang games will distribute 110,000 condoms to the 2,925 athletes competing — 10K more than in Sochi.
That’s over 37 condoms per athlete btw! And with all the taken ones (Gus for instance is reportedly still dating actor Matt Wilkas) left out, some are going to have to make up a big difference! Ha!
BTW, the record is nowhere close on Summer Olympics — in Rio 2016 over 450K were handed out! But then again, there are four times as many athletes during the Summer games.
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 02, 2018 19:42pm PDT

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