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Would You Take Her Advice?


She’s getting crafty!

Muccca needs money, and she needs it now. Badly.

New reports reveal that Heather Mills is releasing a book, titled Get Healthy With Heather— a 64-page book offering health tips on how to combat stress.


Mucca is the source of stress for many.

The first point in her book should be: “To remain stress-free, stay away from people like my sorry ass.”

She also promotes veganism and asserts some other no-brainer obvious shiz, like seasons play a big part in affecting mood.

Um, duh — winter makes you gloomy cause the weather’s shit?

Thanks, but no thanks, HoHeather.

We can’t wait to see piles of your book in the clearance section of bookstores.

We think the only thing you’re qualified to dole out advice on is gold digging!

[Image via WENN.]

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May 19, 2008 17:15pm PDT