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100 Million Sharks Killed Each Year!!!

When you think of sharks – you think of the one in Jaws eating all the humans on the beach, right?
That apparently is far from the truth these days!
Almost 100 million sharks are killed each year, a huge number that makes it less likely every day for the shark population to recover!
Why are sharks being targeted you ask?
Good question!
Sharks are targeted for their fins for use in shark fin soup, a delicacy in Asia.
Here’s what one researcher said:

“We are now the predators. Humans have mounted an unrelenting assault on sharks, and their numbers are crashing throughout the world’s oceans.”

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species will begin meeting next week to consider greater protection for sharks.
Sharks definitely need better protection to prevent the possible extinction of many of its populations!
We know they’re scary, but they’re living animals, too!
[Image via Wikimedia Commons.]

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Mar 03, 2013 10:02am PDT

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