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50 Cent

50 Cent & Manny Pacquiao Join Forces

50 Cent Floyd Mayweather Manny Pacquiao Business
In a new business venture, 50 Cent might be dropping his ol’ pal Floyd Mayweather for a chance to partner up with his enemy!
It’s true, 50 Cent is starting a promotional company, but it doesn’t look like Floyd wants to be a part of it anymore — we wonder what happened… and if it’s because of Manny Pacquiao!
Here’s what Manny’s advisor said:

“50 Cent and I have been talking now for maybe the last two months. They approached us with the idea to form a promotional company. Initially it was going to be 50 Cent, Manny and Floyd. But right now I don’t think Floyd is going to be a part of it.”

Originally it was all about promoting Floyd’s fights, but he went to jail and that doesn’t sit well with 50.
Here’s what Mr. Cent said:

“[The issues between us] really comes from everybody around him is waiting on the next time he feels generous. And I have a lot [of money], so I don’t wait for nobody. I’ll go do what I gotta do. I don’t have to sit around and wait for the next time he feels like giving somebody something.”

We wonder if he’ll be more or less successful with Manny than Floyd!
We might never know… but it’ll be interesting to see how this goes!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 13, 2012 12:01pm PDT