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Star Seeker

Chace Crawford

A Beautiful Bedtime Story


This is just too juicy!

The zexy peeps at Fantasmica wrote a personalized erotic story about P-Nasty and our future husband, Chace Crawford.

It’s called “An Unexpected Pleasure” and it gets quite steamy!

CLICK HERE to read the delicious piece of adult-oriented fan fiction.

[Image via WENN.]

It had been a quiet day for Perez. A slow but constant drizzle of rain had kept most of Los Angeles at home and indoors. With hardly anyone braving the weather for a trip to Starbucks or an expensive baby boutique, there had been no celebrity baby bumps to photograph and generally very few celebrity sightings at all. As the rain was expected to continue well into the night, Perez knew that the hard-partying celebs would probably stay locked up in their hotel rooms rather than go out to the clubs tonight. He finally had a night off!

Rather than staying home and hanging out with his dog, Teddy, Perez decided to hit up his favorite gay bar. The bar was on the outskirts of L.A., and Perez liked it because it was small and private. He definitely wouldn’t run into any celebs there, so he could finally relax and not think about work.

Once he got to the bar, he sat down at one of the tables, ordered his usual drink, and started to check out a few of the guys on the dance floor. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a young guy who stood at the edge of the dance floor. “No fucking way,” thought Perez, “no FUCKING way!” But it was definitely him: Jace Lawford, a star in a new hit TV show. Perez had been all over him for months, constantly writing about him in his celebrity blog. He had also thought plenty about all the places and ways he’d like to literally be all over him. In fact, as he stood staring at him, he felt a wave of heat flow over his entire body.

At the very same time, Jace was looking around the bar, and upon meeting Perez’s eyes, he recognized him immediately. They stood staring at each other for several seconds, both frozen with shock. After a few moments, Jace suddenly snapped out of it and confidently walked directly to Perez’s table and sat down.

Perez quickly said, “Well…this is certainly the last place I’d ever expect to run into you!”

“I was afraid you’d recognized me…,” Jace replied. “Believe me, this is the last place I expected to run into you, or anyone else that might recognize me, for that matter.”

“Why exactly are you in a gay bar anyway?” Perez asked. Jace looked quickly away, and in that instant Perez knew the answer. “You?! You’re gay?!” Perez exclaimed.

“My publicist insists that I stay closeted because being gay would decrease my appeal to the female fans,” Jace said sullenly. “So I come here every now and then when I have free time, and…”

“Satisfy your need for cock,” Perez finished, unceremoniously. He felt genuinely sorry for the young actor, but he couldn’t help but think of lots of dirty ways to comfort him.

As the two men continued to talk, Perez admitted that he’d had a crush on Jace for some time. With a smile, Jace silently leaned over and kissed Perez. From that point on, the two men talked about their lives and Hollywood…and flirted with each other. At one point, Jace even mentioned that he, too, had a crush on Perez and had always admired his fearless attitude toward life.

Soon it was time for the bar to close. With Jace a little tipsy at this point, Perez offered to give him a ride home.

“I don’t want to go home tonight, Perez. Can’t I just crash at your place?” Jace asked.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two men finally arrived at Perez’s house. Perez offered to make Jace and himself a couple of drinks. He left Jace on the couch as he went to his bar to mix martinis for them both. Suddenly, just as he dropped an olive into one of the glasses, he felt hands slowly sliding around his waist. As Jace pressed his body against him, Perez could feel Jace’s hard-on aggressively pushing against his butt. It took only a second for Perez’s dick to become a raging boner that begged to be freed from his restrictive pants. His whole body began to tingle with anticipation as he focused on the feeling of Jace’s hands sliding across his body.

Without even allowing him to turn around, Jace slid his hands down Perez’s waist to his zipper and quickly made his pants drop to the floor. At this point, Jace grabbed Perez by the shoulders and swung him around to face him. To Perez’s shock and delight, Jace was already completely naked. Perez’s gluttonous eyes relished every inch of the young man’s body. He quickly noticed that Jace’s hard-on was impressive, even set against his large muscled torso. In a matter of moments, Jace was on his knees in front of Perez looking up at him.

“I want to suck you dry,” Jace said in a low tone. Perez didn’t even have a chance to respond as Jace greedily pulled his dick from his boxers. Perez’s dick head glistened with pre-cum, and Jace took the time to enjoy it by sliding his tongue across the head and back into his mouth, relishing every drop. Then Jace slid his lips over Perez’s pulsating dick and slowly devoured it. With all of his attention focused only on the throbbing cock in his mouth, Jace took his time tasting, kissing, sucking, and licking it, until Perez couldn’t take any more. Grabbing Jace’s smoothed-down hair, Perez thrust his cock deep into Jace’s throat as he came. Even though he almost choked on the mass amounts of cum being shot down his throat, Jace continued to greedily swallow Perez’s dick until he was done.

Afterwards, they both lay on the floor catching their breath. “Wow,that was pretty hot,” Perez finally muttered, “and I think you actually might have sucked me dry.”

Jace, lying comfortably beside him, breathed a deep sigh of contentment in response. “I do have to say though,” Perez continued, “as hot and wet as your mouth was tonight, I really wanted to fuck you in the ass. I’ve been fantasizing about getting my dick in your tight little asshole ever since I first saw you.”

Jace rolled over to look Perez directly in the eyes as he replied, “It’s only three a.m., I’m sure you’ll fuck me at least three times in the ass before it’s even dawn.”

And with that, Perez reached towards Jace’s still-hard prick, ready for round two.

The End

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Jan 29, 2008 12:39pm PDT

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