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A Worthwhile Cause

CLICK HERE to read up on and donate to a very worthwhile cause!
World Children’s Relief (WCR) was founded on the principle that inspiring real hope in children through education can be an important catalyst for human, economic and political stability throughout the world. WCR programs include:
Student Sponsorship Program – 18,000 students: uniforms, school supplies and tuition
Teacher Training Seminars – 400 teachers trained
School Adoption Program – Water and sanitation improvements
School Improvement Projects – Building new classrooms and improving current structures
Sports, Health and Food Programs -Sponsor school soccer tournaments, health education and school lunches
Since January 24, 2002, working throughout Haiti and West Africa, WCR has been providing quality education programs that are successfully transforming the learning environment for teachers and their students.”

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Mar 18, 2009 10:42am PDT

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