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Australia Reopens "Dingo Ate My Baby" Case

Australia has opened the fourth inquest into the over 30 year old “a dingo ate my baby” case.
If you’re unfamiliar with the story, back in 1980, while camping in the outback, a 9-week-old baby disappeared.
Her parents said a dingo grabbed her and ran off during the night.
Azaria Chamberlain, the baby, was never found and her mother was eventually convicted then cleared of her murder.
The biggest question that still remains today… was it actually a dingo attack?
A lawyer assisting the coroner on the case said:

“Although it [a dingo killing a child] may have been regarded as unlikely in 1980… it shouldn’t be by 2011-12.
With the additional evidence in my submission, your honor should accept on the balance of probabilities that the dingo theory is the correct one.”

It’s amazing that this case has basically been unsolved for several decades.
Lindy Chamberlain, Azaria’s mother said:

“It gives me hope this time that Australians will finally be warned and realize that dingoes are a dangerous animal.
I also hope that this will give a final finding which closes the inquest into my daughter’s death, which so far has been standing open and unfinished.”

Let’s hope this inquest is the last one and once and for all closes the case so the family can finally have some peace.

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Feb 24, 2012 13:00pm PDT

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