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Star Seeker

Angelina Jolie

Brangelina On The Move


Could Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie be moving to Germany for an extended period of time?

That’s what the German media is reporting.

On Tuesday, the happy couple, along with all SIX of their children, landed in Berlin’s Tempelhof airport and then drove to a villa in Wannsee.

Reports are stating that the family will be staying in Germany for about 90 days or longer in the lakeside mansion.

Brad is in the country to begin working on the new Quentin Tarantino movie, Inglorious Bastards, which starts filming in about three weeks.

The movie will also feature Diane Kruger and Mike Myers.

As for the Jolie-Pitts, it seems they opted to stay together while Poppa Pitt films. So the family will be sharing a 12,000 square-metre villa, which offers a private helicopter landing pad, a dock, and more importantly, a full security system.

The family will also enjoy the luxury of having personal chefs on hand, as well as two nannies to help with the kids.

And set to patrol the property for any danger or crazed paparazzi will be a staff of 14 bodyguards.

Wonder when the Jolie-Pitts will return to live in the US? Probably never!

[Image via Fame Pictures.]

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Sep 24, 2008 11:30am PDT