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Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood Overcomes Panic Attacks

While Carrie Underwood may seem flawless, she’ll be the first to admit that she’s not perfect. In high school, Carrie suffered panic attacks.
She said that it was especially problematic while doing Christmas shopping, which “seemed to be [her] worst nightmare.”

“I’m a big personal space person. You know, if you go to the restroom, you use the stall that’s not near anybody. Or if you’re in the gym, you go to the treadmill where there’s space in between you. And it seemed like in crowded situations like [Christmas shopping areas], people would just completely violate your personal space.”

Carrie also expressed her difficulty dealing with the hordes of fans that almost constantly surround her, but says she has overcome that problem.
Thank God for that!
Carrie also shared her five-step plan for maintaining both mental and physical health.
1. Work out. “Cardio makes me feel good, it makes me happy. It really makes a noticeable difference.”
2. Eat healthy. “I’m not a huge pill taker, because I feel like our bodies are designed to take what we need out of food. So I don’t want to make my body deficient and make it depend on what I take. I’d rather eat and drink things that are good for me.”
3. Keep washing. “I’d rather take preventive measures than get sick and try to battle things off. So I do wash my hands quite a bit.”
4. Get some rest. “I enjoy naps but only on days off, because I can take, like, a three-hour one. I’ll take a nap if it’s just a total rainy day off and there’s nothing you can do anyway.”
5. Give back. “People think, ‘I don’t have time to volunteer,’ but there are little things you can do to make the world better and raise awareness, whatever your passion is. Like if you go to, you can become a fan, and they’ll donate a bowl of food to a shelter dog. That’s a free meal, and it took 30 seconds of your life.”
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 20, 2010 11:45am PDT

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