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Casey Anthony's Prosecutor Releases Tell All Book, Calls Anthony Defense A "Crock of Crap"

Casey Anthony prosecutor Jeff Ashton has a lot to say about the verdict and Casey Anthony’s defense team.
322 pages worth.
The retired prosecutor has released his new book, Imperfect Justice, Prosecuting Casey Anthony, documenting the case from Ashton’s point of view and he calls the Anthony defense a “crock of crap.”
The book details the stories she told health care professionals and her testimonials in court. Ashton says that all of Anthony’s stories were lies and her lawyer, Jose Baez, empodied the form of a liar.
Ashton went on to say the following:

I have seen my share of liars, but never one quite like this…In many ways, I think the defense came to mirror the client they represented

Ashton then called Baez “smarmy” and said he felt numb when the verdict was released.
Ashton has dedicated the book to Caylee Anthony as reminder of the events leading up to the trial.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Nov 15, 2011 22:15pm PDT

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