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Diablo Cody Talks Sweet Valley High Movie!

Diablo Cody Talks Sweet Valley High Movie!

diablo cody talks sweet valley high movie
Wowsa! Between this SVH update and our gallery of 90s TV shows, we’ve been having a seriously nostalgic day!
Waaaaay back in March ’10, we had heard that Juno writer Diablo Cody had a Sweet Valley High script in the works!
Now, progress is being made on the SVH movie, and Diablo has got some updates for us:

“That is moving forward. I need to talk to the producers and see how much I can say about it. It’s closer to reality than ever but I can’t freely talk about it.”
“I want it to be wonderfully nostalgic. I want it to be to the ’80s what American Graffiti was to the [early] ’60s. I want it to be looking back on a really cool time and enjoying yourself and I want it to be glamorous and colorful and bubblegum and a feast for the senses. That’s my plan.”

We are SO ready for this! And maybe after that, U can also write a new Baby-sitter’s Club movie, Diablo!
Think about it!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 22, 2011 04:00am PDT

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