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ICYMI: God Forgives Donald Trump's Affair With Porn Star Stormy Daniels... According To Kirk Cameron!

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There’s a special place in the bible for sinners like Donald Trump.
As you’re likely aware, the President has once again been the subject of scandal after it was revealed he allegedly had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, right around the time Melania Trump gave birth to their son Barron.
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You’d think such sinful acts wouldn’t test well with Trump’s religious supporters — but 80% of Evangelicals still support POTUS, for they have been led by the grace of Kirk Cameron.
The actor turned Evangelical preacher recently defended Trump’s indiscretions, letting it be known that God has (probably) forgiven the hedonistic Cheeto. He said in an interview with Charisma magazine:

“Trump is similar to biblical figures like David and Paul. They sinned but God forgave them and they did great things for Christians. I’m sure God has looked into Trump’s heart and forgiven him and he will do great things for the faith community.”

So, he’s “sure” God forgave Trump for just this affair. But what does the big man upstairs have to say about Trump’s history of sexual assault? Or his sexual attraction to his daughter?
Related: Trump May Be Having An Extramarital Affair Right Now?!
We think we know what Kirk’s archaic response would be, given that he compared Trump to a bible figure who raped a woman, got her pregnant, then conspired to kill her husband.
If Kirk actually stayed true to his beliefs, he would have predicted a big ol’ Stormy Hurricane to be blowing through the White House any day now. But, you know, a preacher like that needs to keep his forgiveness cash flowing.
So fuck away, Evangelicals!
[Image via CSPAN/Instagram.]

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Jan 26, 2018 10:50am PDT