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Donald Trump

This Is What Happens, Donald Trump! You Fucking Asshole!

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We’ve been saying how dangerous Donald Trump‘s dictator-like rhetoric against the free press was for over a year now.
And this is the kind of thing that can happen when the President of the United States tells you over and over that the press is all “fake news” and is “the enemy of the American people.”
After months of Stalin and Hitler-like (not hyperbole — look it up!) attacks on news organizations that dared question him, one man who apparently thought he was being a patriot threatened to commit a mass shooting at CNN‘s Atlanta headquarters.
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19-year-old Michigan resident Brandon Griesemer was arrested by the FBI after reportedly calling CNN 22 times, making threats like:

“I’m coming to gun you all down.”


“I’m smarter than you. More powerful than you. I have more guns than you. More manpower. Your cast is about to get gunned down in a matter of hours.”

It’s easy to say we can’t blame Trump for this, but Griesemer apparently repeated Trump’s “fake news” claims during his calls.
Photos: 10 Times Donald Trump Helped Spread Fake News!
And Trump at the very least has joked about committing violence against the news organization, retweeting a meme of him body slamming “CNN” in an edited wrestling video.
At this point, if you still believe everything Trump says, you necessarily have to believe the FBI, CIA, most major news organizations, and every Democrat in America are all part of a massive conspiracy.
April Ryan recently revealed she and the rest of the members of the White House press corps have been routinely getting death threats.
This is the America that Trump is creating. An America attacking itself.
[Image via CNN.]

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Jan 23, 2018 20:39pm PDT

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