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Donald Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Quits -- Is Immigration Policy About To Get Even Worse?

Donald Trump Leaked Schedule

Ding Dong, the horrible HHS Secretary is gone, and here’s hoping that the United States will soon be adopting a far more sane, rational immigration policy!! (But as long as the Cheeto-in-Chief is in office, don’t hold your breath…)
Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security under President Donald Trump, who has also become the face of the immigration crisis at America’s southern border over the last few months, is leaving her position effective immediately, according to a tweet Trump himself sent not even an hour ago.
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The President made the announcement on his favorite social media site, Twitter, by revealing the news innocently enough, along with that of Nielsen’s successor (below):

Hmmmm OK!
Nielsen added more in her letter to the President explaining her resignation (below):

“I have determined that it is the right time for me to step aside. I hope that the next secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts in fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders and which have contributed to discord in our nation’s discourse.”

For many, Nielsen has been the public face of Trump’s shameful immigration policies, including those designed to separate children from their families at the southern border. That Nielsen herself is gone now is maybe of little solace to the families still waiting to see their children again, but at least somebody is now feeling defeated within that administration… we can only hope.
But what Trump doesn’t tell you about there in those tweets making the announcement about Nielsen is that, if journalists who know the immigration beat are correct on this, he may be trying to position himself even further to the right, where he’d like to do some REALLY bad stuff.
The New York Times has a chilling explanation for Nielsen’s sudden departure, writing (below):

Uhhh… WTF?! Blocking immigrants from claiming ASYLUM? Yeah, that is absolutely illegal… and short-sighted.
As NYT journo Maggie Haberman writes in that tweeted piece (above), Trump is now looking for more “creative” (um, illegal?) ways to secure the Southern border (below):

“The move comes just two days after Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly expressed anger at a rise in migrants at the southwestern border, withdrew his nominee to run Immigration and Customs Enforcement because he wanted the agency to go in a “tougher” direction.

The decision to replace Ms. Nielsen comes as little surprise. She was long expected to be fired as Mr. Trump’s dissatisfaction grew over an increase of migrants illegally entering the United States at the southwestern border. Last May — six months after taking over at the department — The New York Times reported that Ms. Nielsen had drafted a resignation letter after being berated for what the president called her failure to help stop illegal immigration.

Mr. Trump and Stephen Miller, his top immigration adviser, have privately but regularly complained about Ms. Nielsen. They blamed her for a rise in migrants entering the United States and not finding more creative ways to secure the border.”

“More creative” … more like despicable.
It’s great that Nielsen is (finally) gone, but she was the tip of the iceberg, and there are much bigger problems out there… like Mr. Comb-Over himself. Throw this whole administration in the garbage! So shameful!!!
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/FutureImage/WENN]

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Apr 07, 2019 15:50pm PDT