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Hookers, Dinner Dates, & So Many Lies! Late Night Hosts Pull Apart The James Comey Testimony!

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James Comey‘s testimony may be one of the most important Q&A sessions in history.
Unfortunately, though it was reiteration that Donald Trump almost certainly committed obstruction of justice, there was a distinct lack of bombshell evidence. At least none we hadn’t heard before.
So because there was no SVU-style big twist, it was the tiniest bit on the boring side…
Related: Trump FINALLY Returned To Twitter To Address Comey’s Testimony!
Thankfully, we have the hilarious and insightful takes of politically minded late night hosts to break it down!
First, Seth Meyers took A Closer Look — or should we say A Closer Hook? Because MAN there was a lot of hooker talk among reporters!
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

Over on Comedy Central, Trevor Noah bemoaned the fact we didn’t get to hear a lot of the answers because Comey wouldn’t answer “in an open setting.”
Now WE want to know what happened in the closed session, too!

Finally, Stephen Colbert went through each question and answer with a fine-toothed comb, proving mostly that he would be a delight to hang out with while watching this live. Ha!

[Image via CBS/NBC/Comedy Central.]

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Jun 09, 2017 13:26pm PDT