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Donald Trump Says He's Not A Feminist (SHOCKER!) And More Insane Quotes From His Piers Morgan Interview!

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Donald Trump‘s first televised international interview aired Sunday night, with former Celebrity Apprentice contestant Piers Morgan doing the… well, not honors
While Morgan threw the POTUS softballs, they were actually a bit harder than what he’s used to — which is having his ego massaged by some lickspittle from Fox News.
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So how did Trump answer questions the world wants to know the answers to, like his views on women, race, and climate change?
Not very coherently as it turns out…
First, on whether he’s a feminist, Trump said:

“No, I wouldn’t say I’m a feminist. I mean, I think that would be, maybe, going too far. I’m for women, I’m for men, I’m for everyone. I think people have to go out, they have to go out and really do it, and they have to win. And women are doing great, and I’m happy about that.”

Look at the definition of “feminism.” It’s “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.”
Everyone should agree they’re feminist. Not agreeing that men and women should be have equal treatment is INSANE.
But Trump thinks it’s “going too far”? Or it wouldn’t resonate with his base??

On whether he believes in climate change:

“There is a cooling, and there’s a heating. I mean, look, it used to not be climate change, it used to be global warming. That wasn’t working too well because it was getting too cold all over the place. The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records. They’re at a record level.
I’ll tell you what I believe in. I believe in clean air and crystal clear water and having general cleanliness.”

First, our president doesn’t know the difference between the terms “global warming” and “climate change.” He refers to them the way an angry ignorant person would, not a world leader following the work of leading scientists. In other words, like a Fox News viewer.
Second, the polar ice caps are at a record low. Ugh. Just. Ugh.
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On no change in gun laws since the Vegas Shooting:

“The big problem is sick people. If he didn’t have 55 guns, he would have had 55 bombs or 55 something else…
If they had the bullets going in the opposite direction, they would have saved a lot of lives. So I get what you’re saying, but I believe in the second amendment.”

On whether he endorses the racist British group whose *fake* videos of Islamic violence he retweeted:

“Well, I don’t know who they are. I know nothing about them, so I wouldn’t be doing that. And I am, as I say often, the least racist person that anybody is going to meet. And certainly I wasn’t endorsing anybody, I knew nothing about them. They had a couple of depictions of radical Islamic terror. Radical Islamic terror, whether you like talking about it or not, Piers, is a fact.”

Except for those ones you retweeted, which were not fact but actually unrelated videos with lying captions that made it seem like they were radical Islamic terror.
You can see that whole section, in which Piers does get Trump to sort of apologize (below):

[Image via ITV.]

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Jan 29, 2018 13:37pm PDT