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Donald Trump

ICYMI: Donald Trump Says Raking The Forest Will Stop California Wildfires -- Just Ask Finland!

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Donald Trump is at it again!
Just when you think he’s said or done the single dumbest thing in the history of the American presidency, he comes over the top with something even more mind-bogglingly stupid, almost like he’s going for the high score.
This time, it’s a raking controversy — yes, as in, raking leaves to stop the California wildfires — that is drawing him a TON of unwanted attention from Americans… as well as the Scandinavian nation of Finland!
Wait, what?!
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OK, back to the beginning: this weekend, The Donald traveled to northern California to visit the destruction and tragedy surrounding the Camp Fire — now, the deadliest and most destructive fire EVER in the history of the Golden State.
While on the ground in the small town of Paradise that was nearly completely destroyed by the fire, Trump spoke to the media and spouted some TRULY stupid sh*t about how, if we’d all been raking leaves in the forest this whole time, fires like this never would have happened.
In his own words, here’s what Trump said:

“We’ve gotta take care of the floors, you know, the floors of the forest. It’s very important. You look at other countries where they do it differently and it’s a whole different story. I was with the president of Finland and he said, ‘We’re a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation. And they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. And they don’t have any problem. And when it is, it’s a very small problem.”

Uh… what?
This isn’t even the first time he’s suggested raking the forest (?!) to prevent fires, as he did just one day earlier, too, in an interview on Fox News:

“I was watching the firemen the other day, and they were raking areas. They were raking areas where the fire was right over there. They’re raking trees, little trees like this that are nut trees, little bushes, that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them, they’re on fire. That should have been all raked out.”

He… he wants, just, like, random people to preemptively go across the country just raking every forest in America to prevent fires?! How is that even feasible, let alone smart??? This man…
Here’s video of the entire exchange with reporters (below):

What. The. F**k???
But that’s not even the most ridiculous part!
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Judging by the reaction from actual Finnish people who actually live in Finland, nobody has any clue what the hell The Donald is talking about when he says the Finnish rake their forests!
Hilariously, a ton of Finns took to Twitter this weekend to have a little fun with our unbelievably stupid President, though (below):

Ha!!! It’s funny… but honestly, it’d be funnier if it weren’t about the man who unfortunately leads our country right now…
Raking the forests.
What a complete and total idiot.
There’s just no other way to say it!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 19, 2018 09:07am PDT