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Donald Trump Does It Again: 'I Could Stand In The Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters'

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Should we even be surprised any more?
Donald Trump was speaking to a crowd in Sioux Center, Iowa for a campaign event on Saturday night, when he said something VERY off-putting about killing people and not losing votes.
Related: Donald Talks Stacey Dash, BET, & All-White Oscars
Talking about how loyal and smart his mindless followers likely voters are, Trump said this jaw-dropper during his speech:

“My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people, the polls? They say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s like incredible.”

Uh… what?
If you don’t believe us, check out the video of it (below):

What can you even say any more about this man?!
Related: Trump Landed Endorsement From Sandra Bullock’s Cheating, Nazi-Banging Ex Jesse James!
Oh wait — Demi Lovato already said it all!!!
[Image via YouTube.]

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Jan 24, 2016 14:41pm PDT