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Would You Eat A Chocolate BUTTHOLE For Valentine's Day?? Chocolate Salad Does Sound More Fun To Toss!

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A British chocolate product, the Edible Anus, is kinda the best Valentine’s Day gift.
Few things have that perfect combination of flavor, uniqueness, sex appeal and hint at all the crazy stuff that’s going down later in the evening. LOLz!
What started as basically an edible art exhibit (of chocolate anuses) turned into an entire industry!
There aren’t just insulated chocolate boxes shipping all over, they’re even selling bronze buttholes and fancy cut glass ones!!
There’s a butthole for everyone!
But we gotta ask, if you get the chocolates… just who’s butthole are you taking to Brown Town?
London artist and Edible Anus creator Magnus Irvin originally tried to cast his own! But it didn’t go well! His website explains:

“Initially Mr Irvin tried to cast his own anus with messy and disastrous results. Whilst explaining his failure to a chance acquaintance at a bus stop he was gratified to find that his fellow bus passenger was willing to allow him to cast her anus. The job was done in just over half an hour later that afternoon and all subsequent anuses have been based on this casting. It is a matter of interest that the person who kindly donated her service has no idea that her anus has now gone global.”

Ha! That’s so ridiculous and soooo funny!
What’s hilarious is the chocolates sound really really fancy too.
They’re made with pure Belgian chocolate and have no preservatives! Check them out HERE!
[ Photos: Celebs Who Love Eating Ass! ]
This is the best way to tell your lover to eat your chocolate balloon knot this Valentine’s Day!!
Check out the video (below) to see an awkward unboxing of these tasty chocolate winking walnuts!

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Jan 29, 2015 14:50pm PDT

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