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Gucci Mane Is Wicked Violent

Gucci Mane Snuffs Girl In The Face

We never realized to what extent until now though.

We’ve lost count of how many times Gucci Mane has gone to prison. It’s always been for a multitude of reasons, but more often than not, the charges against stem from his inability to keep his cool. Yesterday, Guccie was sentenced to 6 months in prison for pushing a woman out of a car. That might seem a surreal action for someone to take, but with Gucci, its par for the course.

Just check out this video from a few years back. (above) At the 2:11 mark, you’ll see Gucci sucker punch a different lady HARD in the face. There was no mistake of his intent, no chance that this was just an “accident”. He barreled his fist right at her with a enough force that we’re surprised she was even coherent after that.

Sad … and disappointing. Violence is never the answer and letting your rage get the best of you – that’s just weak.

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Sep 14, 2011 10:30am PDT

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