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Iggy Azalea Just Cancelled Her Performance At Pittsburgh Pride Too -- Will She Ever Sing Live Again?!

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This doesn’t seem like very good news…
At the end of May, Iggy Azalea announced that her Great Escape tour was officially cancelled after months of rescheduling the concert series.
Well, now it looks like the 25-year-old is going to disappoint her fans even further, because on Monday Iggy stated that she’d no longer be performing at Pittsburgh Pride!
In an emotional letter to her Twitter followers, Iggy shared the news, saying:

“I am truly disappointed that I have to share this news, but I will no longer be performing at Pittsburgh Pride on June 13th.
This has been a difficult decision as I truly support the event and LGBTIQA communities, however I feel my participation at this point would only serve to further distract from the true purpose of the event.
I am a firm believer in equality. Unfortunately in the past as a young person, I used words I should not have. The last thing I want is for something so carelessly said to be interpreted as reflective of my character.
I meant no harm and deeply regret ever uttering those words. As an adult I would never use them because I understand they play a detrimental role in the fight for issues that I do truly believe in.
I am sorry to anyone I have offended or disappointed & I wish all my fans and friends participating in Pride the best of luck.”

It sounds to us like she really is sad she won’t be there, but we understand her decision.
A lot of fans had questioned her spot on the line up seeing as she has used questionable words in the past, but we don’t think she ever meant anything harmful from it.
[ Photos: Iggy Azalea Rocks Her Huge Engagement Ring In Public ]
Still, it’s nice to see that she put a lot of effort into writing her message to her fans!
We wonder if any of her upcoming appearances are going to stick??
[Image via Cousart/JFXimages/WENN.]

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Jun 09, 2015 00:08am PDT