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Jamie Oliver Flashes His Spotted Dick To Everyone On The Internet!

Jamie Oliver Flashes His Spotted Dick To Everyone On The Internet!

jamie oliver spotted dick food pic silly dong wang wiener 1
We’d be offended that Jamie Oliver showed thousands of people his Spotted Dick without asking if they wanted to see it, or if they were of age, but it’s not really his dong. It’s a dessert!
And no, we don’t mean it was his ‘sweet’ dong either — gosh, grow up! LOLz!
Here’s what he said along with posting the pic (above):

Introducing my “Spotted Dick” to all you none British folks this is a classic old school Dessert often misunderstood but rest assured its a steamed sweet fruit pudding with custard NOT an STD !!! 🙂 have a great weekend guys bless #jamie

Did… did he just hashtag himself?
Anyway, we cant remember the last time we had spotted dick in our mouth, but we’d totally be okay with it if it were Jamie Oliver’s spotted dick hitting the back of our throats! It looks delicious AND creamy!
Ha! We wonder if it’s healthy enough to be part of his Food Revolution!
jamie oliver spotted dick food pic silly dong wang wiener
[Image via Instagram.]

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May 10, 2013 14:00pm PDT

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