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Ellen DeGeneres

JCPenney's CEO On Ellen: We Share The Same Values!

JCPenney‘s newly appointed CEO Ron Johnson spoke out for the first time since One Million Moms launched their crusade against the retailer for partnering with Ellen DeGeneres and he’s standing behind his spokeswoman.
He told Gayle King and Charlie Rose on CBS This Morning:

“We don’t look at it like a controversy. One of the great things about America is people can speak their mind. And you know, the organization that believes one thing has spoken and it was great to see Ellen share her views yesterday. And we stand squarely behind Ellen as our spokesperson and that’s a great thing. Because she shares the same values that we do in our company. Our company was founded 110 years ago on The Golden Rule, which is about treating people fair and square, just like you would like to be treated yourself. And we think Ellen represents the values of our company and the values that we share.”

Well said Mr. Johnson!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Feb 09, 2012 21:00pm PDT

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