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American Idol

Jennifer Lopez Is Still 'Undecided' About Idol

Jennifer Lopez Back Peddles
It really is all about the benjamins, baby!
A few days ago Jennifer Lopez was DONE with American Idol for good!! She had too much going on with the Enrique Iglesias tour, etc.
Yesterday, reports surfaced that the real reason Jennifer wanted off the show was because she was insulted by the amount of dough Simon Cowell was throwing at Demi Lovato and Britney Spears on X Factor.
And now the pop star is singing a different tune altogether!!
Check out her Twat Tweet:
JLo Tweets About Idol Rumors
So where did she suddenly find the time?
An insider offers their opinion:

├óΓé¼┼ôWhen $20 million is on the line, you make time. Jennifer is the hardest working woman in show business and is used to juggling many projects as well as being an amazing single mom. Plus, after the audition rounds, the schedule is easy. It’s four hours, two nights a week in L.A. Most entertainers would kill for a schedule like that.├óΓé¼┬¥

So all the posturing was just a negotiation tactic? The chica definitely has business savvy!
The insider continued:

├óΓé¼┼ôIf there’s one thing that Jennifer does better than being a star, it is the business of being a star… [She] isn├óΓé¼Γäót about to walk away from ‘Idol’ money just because she has a busy tour. ‘Idol’ has put her back on top…The exposure it gives her every week is something she is very aware of.├óΓé¼┬¥

Well played, gurl!!
We suspect U will get what U deserve!!
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[Images via WENN/Twitter.]

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May 18, 2012 16:10pm PDT