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Karen Who Refused To Wear Mask In Starbucks Now Wants HALF Of Over $100,00 In Online Tips Given To Barista! WTF?!

A viral Karen wants her half of money she says she's owed in a Starbucks viral face mask incident!

This lady can’t be serious!!!

Amber Lynn Gilles, the San Diego-area Karen who confronted a Starbucks barista after she was told to wear a face mask inside the establishment, now wants half of that barista’s viral tip money because… entitlement?! No, seriously, where the f**k does this woman get off thinking she deserves anything beyond our collective laughter at her ridiculous thoughts?!

Related: Vicious, Racist Karen In SoCal Arrested On Battery Charges! Whoa!

As you may recall, San Diego-based Starbucks employee Lenin Gutierrez went viral earlier this month after he confronted Gilles, who was not wearing a mask inside and ordered her to put one on or leave. Strangers online flooded Gutierrez with sympathetic comments of support for his work to carry out the smart health practice amid the coronavirus pandemic, and one stranger even started a GoFundMe account for the barista which quickly amassed over $100,000 in virtual tips!

Now, Gilles is pissed about the fundraiser being so successful, apparently, because ABC News affiliate KGTV caught up with her earlier this week and it sounds like she’s on the warpath. For one, the self-described “activist and yoga instructor” maintains she has a medical exemption that prevents her from wearing a mask in public. She showed the news outlet a medical report from one doctor noting an ovarian cyst, and another on a chiropractor’s stationary suggesting she’s medically exempt. Uh…

Beyond that, Gilles is angry at the very thought of doing something good for people around her, telling the outlet that Guterrez’s actions were “discrimination.” She further claimed the mask decree — which is a state-wide government mandate in California, by the way — is totally unwarranted since wearing a mask “messes with the heartbeat… and I do get mask-acne,” along with her un-scientific opinion that “it doesn’t even work.”

You can see Gilles’ Karen-like entitlement and anger come through in her jaw-dropping virtual interview with KGTV from earlier this week (below):


Honestly, the funniest part of that whole thing is that Gilles also said she’s starting her own GoFundMe to hire a lawyer so she can sue for half the money raised because otherwise, the fees are too expensive. Seems totally above board, and not scammy or fishy at all! Girl, good luck with THAT! LOLz!!!

Related: Hilary Duff BLASTS Karens Who Can’t Go Without Fourth Of July Parties!

What do U think, Perezcious readers? It’s SO EASY to put on a mask and wear it around… why must Karens continue to make such a big damn deal over something as simple as a mask?! We seriously don’t understand how people like this can be SO entitled about everything, all of the time! Nobody cares about your mask acne!

Share your opinion on this coronavirus craziness with us down in the comments (below)!!!

[Image via KGTV News/YouTube]

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Jul 17, 2020 12:47pm PDT