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Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl's Time Is UP On Grey's Anatomy!

Katherine Heigl's Time Is UP On Grey's Anatomy!

That bitch is so dead!
Katherine Heigl‘s character on Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Izzie Stevens, has been diagnosed with metastic melanoma, a skin cancer quickly spreading to Stevens’ brain, viewers found out on Thursday night.
Although producers won’t confirm whether or not Dr. Izzie’s cancer is terminal, it’s been reported that “[Producer] Shonda [Rhimes] and the writers are pissed at her… It’s their way of screwing with her. She won’t know whether she’s going to live or die.”
Ha ha!
That’s what you get for being a total prima-donna!
The crew of Grey’s are more than happy to see the demise of Heigl’s character, stating the actress is “ready to move on to the next chapter.”
Ready to move on? More like they’re ready for the wacktress to pack her shit and go!
With the cancer holding a survival rate of 5%, we doubt Katherine will make it past the season finale!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 13, 2009 14:15pm PDT

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