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Dr. Patrick Mahaney

Keep Your Pet Safe During Easter With Dr. Patrick Mahaney! Part Three!

And the tips go on and on again!
Last time we discussed how specific flowers that blossom during this time of year can be harmful to your pets!
This time, we’ll discover how egg hunting can possible prove toxic for your loved furry ones!
Dr. Patrick Mahaney explains:

Easter Egg Rolls and Hunts
Although rolling eggs and finding those hidden during the hunt is great family fun, these activities could put your pet at risk for toxicity. Keep your pooch out of the action, as ‘Fido’ may capitalize on his hunting skills and gorge on the eggs intended for the eager children. After the hunt is complete, make sure all eggs are accounted for. A rotting egg may harbor bacteria, mold, or other toxic substances.
This Easter, and during all holiday festivities, keep treats and decorations out of the reach of your pet. Make safety a priority by educating your family members, especially children, about the canine and feline Easter dangers.
If you suspect or know your pet has consumed a toxic substance, immediately contact your veterinarian. Pending their counsel, further help may be needed. Two great resources in managing pet toxicities are the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) (888-426-4435) and the Pet Poison Helpline (800-213-6680).”

Have a pet question? Email us at [email protected] or you can tweet them to Dr. Patrick HERE!! OR Check him out on facebook
And be sure to come back and get the last Easter tip from our most favorite Doc!
[Image via Dr. Patrick Mahaney/Russel Baer.]

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Mar 31, 2013 14:00pm PDT

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