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Britney Spears

Kevin Federline Finally Weighs In On Britney Spears' Conservatorship Following New Doc Release!

kevin federline breaks silence on britney spears's conservatorship

It seems like the #FreeBritney movement is finally coming to a head, huh???

It’s been more than a decade since Britney Spears was placed under conservatorship, but over the last year or so, fans have been rallying more and more around the pop star’s freedom. Whether Brit was emboldened by the movement or the movement grew around her increased attempts to get out from under her dad Jamie Spears’s thumb, the fight for autonomy over her own life has definitely picked up steam in recent months.

Related: Brit’s BF SLAMS Jamie Following Explosive Doc: ‘A Total D**k’

This was fueled even further by the New York Timesnew documentary, Framing Britney Spears, which explored the way the media treated the young singer and how it all led her conservatorship. Her plight can no longer be ignored — and now, even her ex is speaking up.

Kevin Federline, the father of Britney’s two sons, would seemingly be invested in getting Jamie out of the picture. The former backup dancer was even forced to file a restraining order against his ex-father-in-law when the older Spears got into a physical altercation with his grandson Sean Preston.

That being said, KFed has kept his distance from the legal drama. His attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told E! News:

“Kevin has no involvement with regard to Britney and her attorneys asking to remove Jamie as conservator. He has stayed out of the conservatorship issues.”

However, he added:

“He thinks Jodi Montgomery has done an admirable job and he has no other position to state with regard to the conservatorship.”

Montgomery was brought on as temporary conservator when the Toxic artist’s father briefly stepped away — and Britney fought to keep her in the position rather than have Jamie come back on. So the fact that Kevin is giving Jodi the thumbs up is very telling.

Meanwhile, the lawyer added that Sean and his brother Jayden “are doing great and Kevin is enjoying watching them grow up and evolve,” but he has “no idea whether the kids are aware of the documentary.” They have had no contact with Jamie since the restraining order was filed in 2019, and the co-parents’ 70/30 custody agreement (favoring Kevin) remains in place.

The lawyer concluded:

“Kevin enjoys the full extent of the custody that he has. Both parties are working well in exchanging custody.”

Reading between the lines, it sounds like Brit’s baby daddy is in favor of her battle against Jamie, if not explicitly supporting it. The same can’t be said of others in the Spears inner circle, who were displeased by the recent documentary. An insider told Us Weekly:

“The likes of her dad and others in the conservatorship are far from happy about it, obviously, because they feel it’s another example of them being painted as money-grabbing villains when all they’re doing — so they say — is trying to help Britney run her life and stay in a safe place. But there are growing numbers of people who think it’s high time this extremely sad and confusing story was aired and it’s a positive step in the right direction.”

Regarding the ongoing conservatorship struggle, they went on:

“It’s such a complicated legal process and so much has to happen before she can realistically have a chance of managing her own life again, so for now she has no option but to keep on abiding by her dad’s terms and hoping things work out in her favor in the long run. It’s common knowledge that Britney believes she’s capable of fending for herself now, and that’s the main reason for all this unfortunate tension with her dad.”

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On the other side of the debate, a second source shared:

“Jamie wants to remain as her conservator because he has served in the role for the last 13 years. He doesn’t need the money and could be exploiting her for millions of dollars, but he has never done that.”

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: if he doesn’t need the money, why doesn’t he just honor Britney’s wishes and step aside? If he wants to have a real relationship with his daughter (let alone his grandsons!), this is not the way to go about it.

[Image via Jody Cortes/Judy Eddy/WENN]

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Feb 10, 2021 09:00am PDT