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Kristen Stewart's Mom Now Denies Outing Her Daughter, But The Reporter Says She Has The Quotes On Tape!

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Well this is going to be inneresting…
We previously told y’all about a weekend story in The Mirror, where Kristen Stewart‘s mom Jules reportedly spoke to reporters about her daughter being gay.
[ Related: Woo hoo! Mexico Legalized Gay Marriage! ]
The bomb drop quote, obtained by journalist Sharon Feinstein, was pretty cut and dry:

“What’s not to be accepting about her now having a girlfriend? She’s happy. I’ve met Kristen’s new girlfriend, I like her.”

There’s just one teeny tiny problem with the quote — Jules is now adamant she did not say it!
Speaking out on Monday, the Twilight star’s mom:

“I spoke to Sharon Feinstein about my film K-11 that has been put on display in the Hollywood Museum. It’s currently there under the LGBT banner on the third floor. She also asked me about my views on gay rights, which I was happy to express. Then we talked briefly about the fundraiser I am hosting for Never ever did we discuss Kristen!”

Jules acknowledges speaking to Feinstein about Alicia Cargile — who is Kristen’s personal assistant — but only along the lines of her being a lovely girl, and not as a girlfriend for the movie star.
Like any reporter would do, Feinstein shot back yesterday with a tweet about the interview and a teaser about releasing audio of the quotes:

Either way, somebody isn’t telling the full truth here!
Whatever is going on, what poor form to out anybody without their consent!
Feinstein’s audio is supposed to be released later today, so we’ll keep you updated on the she-said, she-said between these two.
[Image via Cousart/JFXimages/WENN.]

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Jun 16, 2015 09:39am PDT