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Texting At The Movies? Not Anymore! Coach Taylor From Friday Night Lights Is Back With An AH-Mazing Speech About Putting Your Phone Away!

Texting At The Movies? Not Anymore! Coach Taylor From Friday Night Lights Is Back With An AH-Mazing Speech About Putting Your Phone Away!

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This is incredible!!
As if we were watching Friday Night Lights, Kyle Chandler‘s famous character Coach Taylor popped up on movie screens across the United States this week for the theater chain Alamo Drafthouse.
Only Chandler wasn’t appearing in any movie, and his Coach Taylor character certainly wasn’t reprising a role in a Friday Night Lights re-boot (although that would be kind of cool…).
[ Photos: Friday Night Lights Stars — Where Are They Now?! ]
No, Coach Taylor was actually in-character on-screen before movies started playing at the theaters, asking moviegoers to turn their cell phones off in a HIGHlarious video spoof of the famous football flick!
In a not-quite-inspirational speech to a group of on-screen movie-goers, Taylor tries to pump them up as though they’re about to play the football game of their lives, only to find everybody there glued to their phones!
In his speech, Taylor says:

“This is it, this is what we all worked for. We paid to be here. I want you to know your friends and your family are going to be watching every second. They’re going to be with you every moment of this. So let’s do it for them, let’s do it for each other. Let’s make sure we have some pride. Clear eyes, full heart, turn your goddamn cell phones off!”

LOLz!! Ch-ch-check out the funny video (below):

Now that’s how you fire up a theater, Coach!!
What do U think — will U be dropping the cell phones after that speech??
[Image via Hypable.]

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Jul 31, 2015 17:00pm PDT

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