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Lindsay Lohan Seemingly Shades Leonardo DiCaprio In His IG Comments!


Is Lindsay Lohan being a Mean Girl to Leonardo DiCaprio??
On Tuesday on Instagram, the Titanic star reposted a graphic image (SEE HERE) from environmental conservation organization Oceana about the illegal practice of shark finning.
Related: Lindsay Lohan Explains Why Her Accent Keeps Mysteriously Changing!
The caption read:

“Every year, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the shark fin trade. Shark finning is a gruesome practice that involves chopping off a shark’s fins and dumping the body back into the ocean to slowly drown or bleed to death. Many are plucked from the ocean, maimed for their fins and tossed back to sea to die. While shark finning is illegal in the U.S., the demand for fins drives this horrible practice, and the U.S. participates in this demand by allowing the buying and selling of shark fins. DO YOUR PART! Tell your representative in Congress to ban the sale of shark fin products in the U.S. to help protect sharks by following the link in our bio. #FinBanNow.”

Later that day, the Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club star wrote a comment that many felt was shading the actor. She posted:
4ocean is a company that sells bracelets made of recycled materials, and promises to remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines for each bracelet they sell.
After her confusing comment went viral, fans were PISSED! They wrote:

“Df is that supposed to be mean”
“I’m sorry what are YOU doing to stop this.”
“are you drunk again?”
“wtf I’m sorry what are YOU doing to stop this?”

Leo vs. LiLo! Whose side are YOU on??
[Image via Leonardo DiCaprio/Instagram/Dave Bedrosian/Future Image/Jason Mendez/WENN.]

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Feb 13, 2019 15:01pm PDT