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Lori Loughlin Hit With ANOTHER Felony Charge! So Much Prison Time!!!

Lori Loughlin College Admissions Scandal Money Laundering Prison Time

If you thought the federal government might take it easy on Aunt Becky, you have your answer — the FBI is NOT nostalgic for TGIF.
We told you earlier Lori Loughlin and hubby Mossimo Giannulli were planning to work out a guilty plea in the college admissions scandal.
Related: Did Lori’s Daughter Know About The Scheme?
The parents were indicted on charges of “conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud” which would reportedly result in at least two years in prison even with a plea deal.
Felicity Huffman and many others already announced they were pleading guilty.
But apparently Lori and Mossimo didn’t take responsibility fast enough for the government because now federal prosecutors have added ANOTHER charge, and it’s a serious one — “conspiracy to commit money laundering”.
Yeah. That serious.
The superseding indictment, against 16 parents total, says the accused conspired to “conceal their fraud scheme by funneling bribe and other payments through the facade” of a charity.
For those who haven’t been keeping up, that’s the Key Worldwide Foundation, a nonprofit supposedly meant to help underprivileged kids — when in fact it was doing the exact opposite.
According to the government’s case, the sham charity’s founder William “Rick” Singer was the middle man who set up unscrupulous parents with avaricious school officials. The payments parents made to get their kids better test scores or fake places on athletic teams were disguised as charity for poor students.
The Foundation apparently even sent out letters “falsely attesting that the purported donation would help ‘provide educational and self-enrichment programs to disadvantaged youth'” — just adding insult to injury.
From 2011 to 2018, the government estimates a shocking $25 million in bribes was “donated” to the KWF.
Seriously, what kind of monster runs a charity scam??
Related: Trump Foundation Forced To Dissolve Over ‘Shocking Pattern Of Illegality’
In the original indictments, it’s made clear it was Singer whom the feds flipped first — and he got them evidence on the conspirators. In Lori and Mossimo’s case, he recorded phone calls in which he got the parents to explicitly admit to the crimes.
The Fuller House actress is accused of shelling out $500k to get daughters Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose accepted to USC as members of the crew team — though neither rowed crew.
But the money laundering aspect makes this an even more serious crime.
Before we told you if Lori and Mossimo plead guilty, they would still face a minimum of two years. Now the minimum time prosecutors would recommend is reportedly four years and nine months.
Oh man…
Aunt Becky… what a world.
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]

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Apr 09, 2019 13:11pm PDT