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Making The World A Better Place

As if we needed any more reason to love her!
Shakira has just pledged over $45 million to charity.
Through the Latin America for Solidarity Foundation, ALAS, which means wings in Spanish, which she co-founded, she will donate $40 mill to repair damage caused by an earthquake in Peru and a hurricane in Nicaragua.
She also announced on Thursday, during a chat at Bill Clinton’s big pow wow in NY, that she was also spearheading a three-year, $5 million commitment for projects for children in the region, where about 40 percent of the population lives in poverty.
“I’ve seen first-hand many of the challenges facing Latin America,” she said in a statement. “These are challenging problems that no one person can address, but working together everyone can help make a difference.”
Amen, Shaki. Amen!

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Sep 28, 2007 12:46pm PDT

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