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The Brave Marine Who Covered A Grenade To Save His Friend Will Receive Medal Of Honor! Kyle Carpenter’s Heroic Story Will Leave You Speechless!

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There may be nothing more horrible than war. But this story of courage and bravery proves that even in the darkest of times, there is still so much good in the world.
Kyle Carpenter, now a Marine Corps veteran, is about to become the Marines’ third Medal of Honor recipient since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the highest combat valor award and it is not given to just anybody.
But after the sacrifice that Kyle made, there is no doubt that he’s earned it.
As a 21-year-old lance corporal, Carpenter intentionally covered an active grenade in order to save the life of his friend and fellow soldier, Lance Cpl. Nicholas Eufrazio. The blast nearly killed them both.
Carpenter lost his right eye, suffered a shattered jaw, and 30 breaks throughout his right arm. He also lost most of his teeth and still has scaring on his face from the shrapnel.
Eufrazio sustained damage to the frontal lobe of his brain and until recently, was unable to speak.
The Armed Forces initial investigation into what happened proved difficult. No one witnessed the blast, Eufrazio couldn’t talk and Carpenter said he couldn’t remember anything that happened due to trauma.
But other troops say there is no doubt in their minds Carpenter courageously fell on the grenade in order to save Nick.
Marine Staff Sgt. Michael Kroll, Carpenter’s platoon sergeant, spoke about Kyle and his bravery, saying:

“Our feeling has always been that Kyle shielded Nick from that blast.”

Plans are reportedly now in motion for a White House ceremony, in which President Barack Obama will award Carpenter with the honor.
Your fearlessness in order to save your friend is one of the most touching stories we’ve ever heard, Kyle.
You’re a point of pride for an entire nation. Well done, soldier!
[Image via Facebook.]

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Mar 06, 2014 12:19pm PDT

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