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Matt Lauer Depressed?! People Slinging Insults On The Street!

While we aren’t thrilled by the way Matt Lauer reportedly treats his coworkers, it breaks our heart to hear that the Today show’s former golden boy has turned into a tarnished, sorry mess!
Apparently, Mr.Lauer is super depressed because ever since the whole Ann Curry debacle, random strangers are constantly harassing him on the street.
One insider claims that people are yelling abuses like:

“You’re a bad guy. You got Ann fired. Does that make you happy?”

AND Matt has also seemingly experienced the coldest of shoulders from his fellow Today show workers ever since news broke about his $25 million a year salary!
Well, it makes us sad that Matt is apparently in the eat-a-pint-of-ice cream stage of depression…
But karma IS the trickiest of mistresses and Matt has apparently been somewhat of an ass to his Today show peeps for YEARS!
And hey, it’s never to late to start spreading the kindness!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]

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Dec 27, 2012 11:56am PDT

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