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John McCain

McCain Will Electrify You - Literally!

This is somewhat shocking, funny, and yet sad at the same time.
A resident of Chapel Hill, N.C., was very upset that someone kept stealing his McCain-Palin campaign signs from his yard.
So, Shawn Turschak decided to do something about it! And, being an electrical engineer really helped.
Earlier this week, Turschak decided to hook up a third sign to a power source belonging to an electric pet fence. He also hooked up a surveillance camera to catch the thief.
And, to everyone’s surprise, this time around it was a 9 year-old boy, with an Obama-Biden sign in his hand, that grabbed the McCain sign and got a jolt of electricity.
The child’s father is upset that his son got shocked, so he showed up at Turschak’s door along with an Orange County Sheriff.
As for the boy’s dad, he says his kid just wanted to see how the sign was put together.
Turschak says the boy intended to swap out the signs.
But, in Turschak’s defense, he did put up signs warning of electrical shocks.
No charges are said to be filed and Turschak did remove the electric shockers.
The following day, though, his camera caught another person stealing another McCain-Palin sign off his property!
CLICK HEREto see footage of the kid getting shocked. Thankfully it wasn’t anything hurtful, but we doubt the kid will be trespassing again anytime soon.

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Oct 31, 2008 11:53am PDT