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Melania Trump Plagiarizes Michelle Obama's Speech From 2008 -- See The Comparison For Yourself!

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Really Melania, copying a classmates’ homework?!
On Monday night, the GOP held the Republican National Convention and as you may know, there was some drama right out of the gate with some delegates involving Donald Trump, but it doesn’t even compare to Melania Trump!
Every year, the candidates’ wives generally make a speech at the political conventions and despite saying she does her own work, Melania apparently couldn’t help but steal borrow some inspiration from a speech Michelle Obama gave back in 2008!
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Though there were several similarities, it was one section of her speech that gained A LOT of attention as Trump’s words were so incredibly similar to Michelle’s that there’s almost no way she didn’t rip the First Lady off! Oh, and if you’re trying to defend the former model by saying most people have speech writers, you should know the 46-year-old told Matt Lauer earlier in the day:

“I read once over it, that’s all, because I wrote it … with (as) little help as possible.”

Ch-ch-check out a side-by-side comparison (below) to see how RIDICULOUSLY obvious it is that Melania plagiarized Miz Obama!

Of course this sparked some controversy online, which forced Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort to address the speech saying:

“To think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd.”

Manafort continued:

“There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech. These were common words and values. She cares about her family. To think that she’d be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy.”

Uhmmm, is it really “crazy”?!

Hmmm, not so crazy to us!
What’s even MORE ridiculous is the presidential hopeful’s team is now trying to blame this scandal on Hillary Clinton. HUH?
Paul tried to argue:

“This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks out to demean her and take her down. It’s not going to work.”

Please explain to us how Melania proving she lacks originality and is a lazy liar for saying she wrote her speech threatening Hillary in ANY way? Next time at least use a thesaurus when you’re going to rip someone off.
What do you think of the OBVIOUS plagiarism job?!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 19, 2016 07:52am PDT