He should just stay quiet!
True to his shady behavior in the past, Lindsay‘s ex-convict father, Michael Lohan, who was released from jail just a few months ago, is talking and talking and talking and talking.
He’s taking a very private family matter into the media spotlight, and that’s just not cool.
And he wonders why Lindsay wants nothing to do with him!
Michael just spoke with TV’s Inside Edition and we just wanna slap him.
He says:
“I was shocked. I tried to call Lindsay three times yesterday, three or four times and I just felt that I needed to speak to her and unfortunately she was in her tango lesson for her next movie… I was blind-sided with this information. I don’t know what to say.”
“Obviously it’s a call for help. I mean come on things happen for a reason. And, I really feel that sometimes we have to be brought to our knees. And, I just think Lindsay needs both of her parents there by her side now as do all my children. But, right now Lindsay’s the one in jeopardy and I just want this resolved. I want everything taken out of court. Dina and I have to put our differences aside and just be there for our kids.”
“I mean they are all there because they are making money off of Lindsay and they listen to what she wants. They care about what they can get rather than what Lindsay’s about as a human being, Lindsay herself. It sickens me that people can be that greedy and full of that much pride. And care about them-selves and be so selfish, so full of themselves that they wouldn’t even care about her as a human being.”
“I think we all have to accept responsibility. I accept my own responsibility for what happened with Lindsay and what is going on in her life right now. But I think we all have to hold ourselves accountable.”
├óΓé¼┼ôI think that there is still a lot of pain inside of Lindsay that she is trying to drown and numb. And, unfortunately I went through the same thing myself and that is why I├óΓé¼Γäóve withdrawn everything. Or, I am attempting to withdraw everything from court. I just feel that our children — all of them — need us in their lives. Whether we are together as husband and wife or not, Dina and I just need to be there for our kids.├óΓé¼┬¥
“I’m doing all I can do to help you [Lindsay]. And I wanted to for so long, it is a shame that people came between us and we’ve been separated like this. But I’ll do all I can to be there for you.”
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