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Pure-Hearted Mike Pence Calls Reports Of Porn Star's Affair With Donald Trump 'Baseless Accusations'!

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Mike Pence wants you to know those Stormy Daniels rumors are wayyy off base! (HA!)
During a visit to Jerusalem on Monday, the Vice President broke his silence on reports that the adult film star had an affair with Donald Trump, telling The Associated Press he was “not going to comment on the latest baseless allegations against the president.”
For those behind on the drama, these accusations claim that Trump’s personal lawyer paid off Daniels in October 2016 to prohibit the porn star from speaking out on their alleged affair before the election. Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen has denied there was any relationship, or that Daniels received any “hush money.”
Pence may have not commented on Trump’s alleged indiscretions — he did, however, speak further on POTUS’s belittling comments about immigrants from “shithole countries” in Africa.
Photo: Doug Jones’ Hot Gay Son Side-Eyes The Shit Outta Pence!
The Veep went on to tell The AP that Trump is determined to implement a merit-based system that encourages immigration that does not take into account the immigrants “race or creed,” adding that he “knows the president’s heart.”
Yeah, we know his heart, too… we know it’s probably clogged from all that KFC!
As fate would have it, Pence’s Middle Eastern tour ended with a bit of an eruption. The VP’s Monday speech at the Israeli Knesset was interrupted by a group of Palestinian members of the Israeli parliament protesting Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
As Pence announced that the U.S. embassy in Israel will move to Jerusalem by the end of 2019, the lawmakers stood up and waved signs before they were removed by security. Watch the intense moment (below):

For Pence’s sake, we’re glad those weren’t the topless protesters the Trump administration is used to — Veepy couldn’t handle that!
[Image via Johnny Louis/WENN.]

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Jan 22, 2018 14:54pm PDT

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