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Mila Kunis Says She Got Her Ass Kicked Training For Black Swan

Mila Kunis Says She Got Her Ass Kicked Training For Black Swan

We gain more and more respect for Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis’ with each new story we hear about the training they did for Black Swan.

Mila Kunis said she started training the day after she got the part:

“The preparation was, get as skinny as you possibly can as fast as you can and then learn to get en pointe while doing it. I got the part, let’s say on a Wednesday. Thursday morning I went into the ballet studio in L.A. with Alexandra Blacker who was my ballet instructor. [She] was 20 years old at the time and had already broken her back and had fractured ribs and things. I went in there, started working with her for seven days a week, five hours a day and was put on a 1,200-calorie diet for a total of five or six months.”

Mila said that she only got one break over the entire six-month period.

“I did get one day off, and that was my birthday; Alexandra made me a root beer float.”

She didn’t even get a day off for the Emmy’s, and had to get up for a 6 AM training session the day of!

We are absolutely going to see this movie! Not only because it looks AWESOME, but because we want to see what these women can do after their crazy training!!

[Image via Apega/]

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Dec 02, 2010 14:30pm PDT