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Celebrity Feuds

Nadine Vs. Cheryl - AGAIN!

We think that these girls just need to see each other and hug it out!
After reports started circulating that portions of Cheryl Tweedy‘s performance of her new single, Promise This, on this weekend’s X Factor was not live, Nadine Coyle made some underhand digs at her Girls Aloud bandmate’s participation in the reality competition!
She said:

‘I didn’t know it was happening. I didn’t even know about it. But it’s fine it really is. I really want to see them [the girls] this week. Fingers crossed, I’m hoping we can. I guess it’s long overdue.’
‘I love the live shows when they’re on and all singing great but I hate it when the judges say bad things about their singing. I feel sick because I feel it is mean because I’ve done the reality TV thing so I have such strong memories of what it feels like and I just imagine how bad and how nervous they must feel. I couldn’t be a judge.’
‘I only want to do live shows. What happens with TV shows is you can’t always do things live. They have a lot of dummy stuff sat there and you can’t really get the full effect. With Insatiable being such a big song and because I’m just starting off, I want it to be all about doing stuff live.’

We suppose we’ll just have to see how Nadine fares during performances once she starts promoting her solo stuff!
But seriously, girls, enough is enough! We sincerely hope that they do all see one another, and resolve all of this nonsense!
It’s taking on a life of its own at this point, and we’re afraid if they don’t squash it soon, they’ll never reunite!
And that would just be devastating!
What do U think?? Would U like to see Girls Aloud together again??
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 26, 2010 11:40am PDT