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Animal Cruelty

Naomi Campbell Will NOT Be Having An Elephant Polo Match

Good! There is no way an elephant polo match can end well….
Naomi Campbell has debunked the claims that she is organizing a polo match that would use ELEPHANTS instead of horses.
The supposed event was meant to be a grand piece de resistance to her boyfriend’s 50th birthday bash, but the supermodel had caught a lot of heat from PETA and other animal activists.
A spokeswoman for Naomi said the following on the matter:

These allegations are completely untrue. Miss Campbell has neither organized nor requested the organization of any such elephant polo tournament as part of the birthday celebrations or otherwise.
Miss Campbell is extremely upset by these untrue allegations, which were first published in a U.K. newspaper and which have been widely repeated around the world, and has instructed her lawyers in London to deal with the matter immediately.

Feel the wrath of Naomi Campbell! Some newspaper is in awfully big trawble!!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 06, 2012 14:00pm PDT