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New Hybrid Speed Record!

Jetta Hybrid Speed Record
Everyone out there that thinks hybrid vehicles are wimpy can just SHUT YO MOUTHZ!
The world’s fastest hybrid just clocked in at 185mph!
That’s pretty cool for a super top secret prototype vehicle, right?
Nope: it was a 2012 Volkswagen Jetta Hybrid, and it beat the Porsche.
It reached a speed of 185.394 miles per hour during the Southern California Timing Association├óΓé¼Γäós annual speed week, which is 18 ass-beating mph faster than the previous record holder — the Porsche Panamera. It had a puny 167 mph. It also destroys the Prius, whose speed record was 135 MPH.
But who would expect anything more from a Prius, right?? Ha!
The turbocharged car, driven by Motor Trend’s Carlos Lago, was engineered specifically for the race within SCTA’s guidelines, powered by a 1.4 litre, direct-injection four cylinder engine making 150 horsepower on a 7-speed gearbox, assisted by an electric motor providing an additional 27 HP.
That means you probably can’t just go buy one from a lot somewhere.
Here’s what the team said:

“We are really proud that our new Jetta Hybrid is the world’s fastest hybrid. It was a real challenge to integrate the complex hybrid elements and generate the power needed to run at these speeds. The Jetta Hybrid Land Speed Record project shows both the sporty nature of our Hybrid offering and the technical excellence of our engineers in Wolfsburg and in the Test Center California.”

Finally — non-ugly hybrids!
LOLz![Image via AP Images.]

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Aug 24, 2012 16:02pm PDT

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