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Patrick Swayze

Remembering Patrick Swayze

It’s hard to believe, but a year ago today, the world lost a wonderful man, actor and humanitarian. Patrick Swayze was a lot of things to a lot of people, but to his wife, Lisa Niemi, he was simply the love of her life.
On the anniversary of his passing, Lisa is remembering her husband in her own way – by launching a new awareness program as the new spokeswoman for Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Lisa’s campaign, called Be a Hero in the Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer: Know it. Fight it. End it, will feature videos and messages of hope from Lisa in hopes of finding a cure and reaching out to those who are suffering.
But Lisa also has plans to commemorate the day in a more personal way. Lisa told sources that she is looking into picking out the “most beautiful tree ever” and planting it in an “extraordinary spot” at the couples ranch just North of Los Angeles. She confesses she spends a lot of time at the ranch these days and admits that she still feels Patrick’s presence. She says:

“I do sense his presence, and I like that. Just because he’s gone now doesn’t mean that love doesn’t go on.”

Very sweet.

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Sep 14, 2010 16:00pm PDT

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