Serious question. If Pedro Pascal regularly orders this from Starbucks, how is he still alive??
The longtime journeyman actor suddenly became a household name thanks to his brief but unforgettable role on Game of Thrones. And his star has been on the rise ever since his untimely exit from the HBO hit. But if you want to talk about mind-blowing, you need to see his regular coffee order.
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A TikTok user posted a cute moment meeting the Last Of Us star and getting him to sign a Mandalorian toy. He happened to have a Starbucks cup in his hand, and on a high def phone camera, well, folks started to look close at that order. What exactly was that dark, icy concoction? Not a Frappuccino, that’s for sure. Nope, it’s an…
- iced quad espresso
- in a venti cup
- extra ice
- 6 shots
@alexafromspace Daddy needs his coffee every morning to carry the entire world and a fandom over his shoulders #pedropascal #pedropascalstarbucks #starbucksdrinks #pedropascaledit #zaddy #fyp #espressotiktok
The over the past couple weeks the video has gone viral with fans flummoxed by the sheer caffeination crammed into one cup!
An iced quad espresso, as the name suggests, is a drink with four shots of espresso. That’s already an exceptionally strong drink. And he’s just pumping more espresso shots on top of it? According to Consumer Reports, as of January 2023, each shot of espresso from Starbucks is 75 mg of caffeine. So a quad is already 300 mg. We’re going to assume the “6 shots” note is explaining six instead of four. Not in addition. Even still, we’re now talking about 450 mg of caffeine in one drink. That’s more than the FDA recommends for a full day!
“For healthy adults, the FDA has cited 400 milligrams a day — that’s about four or five cups of coffee — as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects.”
If he’s doing six shots ON TOP OF the usual four, we’re talking ten shots, 750 mg of caffeine — just a heart-stopping, truly dangerous amount, nearly double what most adults are recommended for the whole day. Here’s how folks on TikTok responded to the cold hard facts about Pedro’s order:
“mans drinks straight gasoline”
“our mans is CAFFEINATED”
“IS HE OKAY????”
“That is a violent amount of coffee”
“so if I survive drinking this do I become Pedro Pascal?”
Hey, everyone is built differently, right? Maybe the internet’s zaddy du jour just runs on extra premium gas.
What do YOU think of Pedro’s coffee order??
[Image via Starbucks/Vanity Fair/YouTube.]
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