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Playboy Playmates The Shannon Twins Reveal Disgusting NSFW Details Of First Threesome With Hugh Hefner

Playboy Playmates The Shannon Twins Reveal Disgusting Details Of First Threesome With Hugh Hefner

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Former Playboy Playmates Karissa and Kristina Shannon have a lot more to say about their experiences with Hugh Hefner.

In Monday night’s episode of The Secrets Of Playboy titled “Behind The Girls Next Door,” the famous Shannon Twins sat down to discuss what it was like being two of Hefner’s girlfriends during the filming of E!‘s reality series — but also the dark details behind the glitz, including going into NSFW detail about their first (and unwanted) threesome together.

Related: Docuseries Exposes Playboy’s Alleged ‘Underground’ Sex Ring — & Man Who Was Hugh’s ‘Soul Mate’!

The sisters, now 32, first met Hugh when they were 18 years old. They were soon invited to move into the Playboy Mansion, but now claim they didn’t realize what exactly happened behind closed doors, Karissa said:

“Hell no, you don’t think an 80-year-old man is sleeping with [all] these women.”

It was on their 19th birthday when they learned how complicated and violating things were going to be. The girls were lured to a bedroom by co-star Kendra Wilkinson and left alone with the publisher, who seemed “super nervous.” He reportedly offered them a pill to ease their nerves — and the drugs made them feel “really f**ked up … the most inebriated we’ve ever been,” according to Karissa. (They later found out this was a Quaalude, the same pill used by Bill Cosby on his alleged victims.) They had already had a few drinks despite being underage as well, so they were far more pliable than usual.

Things then turned physical as Karissa claimed:

“[He began] pulling our heads down, like a very hard pull, down to his penis so that we would give him oral sex.”

What’s especially disgusting is that he just assumed the twins would want to have sex with him AND with each other as though they didn’t have their own identities and agency. The truth is, it’s not something they ever would have chosen to do! Kristina shared:

“We had never done a threesome together before, we would never want to.”

Ugh — it’s so sad that they felt forced into doing something they didn’t want to do. Karissa chimed in:

“And that was our 19th birthday. You’re never going to forget that.”

They certainly didn’t. If they had she wouldn’t be able to paint such a vivid and disturbing picture:

“He didn’t even finish. Just imagine this, just his old hand kind of shakes [as he’s] touching your boob. It’s like you’re having sex with your grandpa. And he laid there, looking up, and he was like, ‘My babies, my babies. You love me.'”

Once Hefner fell asleep, they immediately hit the showers, Karissa explained:

“We ran down the hall to the spare bedroom we were staying in. We hit the shower, steaming hot. Our skin was red from just trying to, like, sterilize.”

Kristina added:

“After that night, I didn’t feel like my body was mine anymore. Like, I felt used, disgusted.”

Heartbreaking. The sisters then devised a plan to avoid Hefner’s “seduction” ritual as much as possible — at midnight every night he would invite any women still in the house up to his bedroom. Always trying to avoid those sexual encounters, Kristina reflected:

“Dinner started at 5 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And so, at dinner is when we would start drinking. They had [an] open bar, so we’d start drinking just in case Hef wanted to apply that pressure.”

Sadly, this meant the teenagers were getting drunk on the regular, Karissa continued:

“We were drunk every night… Every night — to try to deal with him.”

Hefner’s wild sex life ultimately led to an STD outbreak in the house, Kristina noted:

“There was at one point an STD that went around. We caught chlamydia. I remember going down to Mary O’Connor‘s office — his assistance slash, I’d say, house mom for us — and she’s like ‘Well that’s what happens when you’re sexually active.'”

This nonchalant reaction to the health issue made them swear off sex with Hef, which they succeeded in for a while until the media mogul “told us that if we loved him and we wanted to be his girlfriends, then we have to have sexual encounters with him,” according to Karissa. Still, the question of their health and safety remained, Kristina expressed:

“The problem is, Hef doesn’t like to use protection. From the butlers, we’d just order a big bowl and we’d put hot water in it, then we’d put rags in it. So whoever was having intercourse with him, when they were finished, they can wipe him off. And then the other girl could do it.”

Wow. Gross.

Related: What Really Happened To Hugh Hefner’s Secret Sex Tapes?

Though Karissa claims she only had set with Hugh two more times, she did end up getting pregnant. She found out after taking a blood test before having plastic surgery, then went about getting an abortion in secrecy out of fear that the editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine might force her to keep the child. She was especially surprised about the situation because she “didn’t think it was possible” considering Hefner was 84 at the time and struggled to conceive with Holly Madison. She suspects her age may have made it possible, adding:

“We were about the youngest girlfriends he had had — it was the end of [when I was] 19, I was getting ready to turn 20.”

Addressing her desire for an abortion, she told A&E cameras:

“I didn’t want him to know that I was pregnant. I didn’t want him to want me to have it. I didn’t want to be stuck even more inside that bubble. I think it’s a way for him to control me even more, have me on a leash.”

She and Kristina had security drop them off at a mall on the day of her abortion and managed to keep the whole thing on the down-low. Looking back, Karissa says she “100 percent” made the right decision:

“Every time I’ve done it with him, it’s assault. To me, it’s like rape. He used control mechanisms completely through everything, so I’m happy that I had the abortion.”

So awful. We’re so sorry these women went through this.

[Image via A&E/Hulu & LA Times/YouTube]

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Mar 29, 2022 16:40pm PDT