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Prince Harry

Oasis Rocker Noel Gallagher SLAMS 'Woke Snowflake' Prince Harry & Calls Out Meghan Markle Too!

Noel Gallagher has a lot to say about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle...

Noel Gallagher just simply doesn’t give a s**t what other people think!

And whether or not that’s a good thing, it sure makes for some great commentary for us to digest and dish out! LOLz!

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The former Oasis rocker had only horrible things to say about Prince Harry and his American wife, Meghan Markle, in a new interview in The Sun this week, calling the red-headed royal a “woke snowflake” along with some other eyebrow-raising comments!

The one-time rock band co-front man said he empathized with Prince William, for one — a low-key shot at Noel’s own younger brother, Liam Gallagher, with whom the elder bro has often feuded publicly over the years.

Noel said (below):

“Prince William, I feel that f**king lad’s pain. He’s got a f**king younger brother shooting his f**king mouth off with s**t that is just so unnecessary. I’d like to think I was always the William.”

DOUBLE yikes — for Prince Harry, and for poor Liam! LOLz!

Noel went on from there, adding this:

“Prince Harry is coming across like a typical f**king woke snowflake, f**king a**hole. Just don’t be f**king dissing your family, because there’s no need for it.”

OK so someone is mad about the Oprah Winfrey interview, then?!

The musician wasn’t done, either! He took one more swipe — this time at Meghan:

“This is what happens when you get involved with Americans. As simple as that.”

Careful there, Noel.

You sold a LOT of s**tty 90s rock records in this country, which gave you enough money to sit around all day and b**ch about the royal family! Soooo, show your appreciation! Ha!!

What do U make of Gallagher’s comments here, Perezcious readers?! Sound OFF with your take down in the comments (below)…

[Image via IPA/WENN/Avalon]

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Jun 11, 2021 17:36pm PDT