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Real Cougar Of NYC Arrested For Assault!

30-year-old Nicholas Stefanov was on the opposite end of a cougar attack when he took a punch to the face by his girlfriend Kelly Killoren Bensimon, one of the fleeting stars of Bravo’s cougar parade, The Real Housewives of New York City.
40-year-old Bensimon turned herself in last Thursday after being charged with hitting her boyfriend “with a closed fist, thereby causing [Stefanov] to suffer a laceration below [his] left eye and substantial pain.”
Stefanov is claiming this is not the first time he’s taken a beating from the coug, but he’s willing to take Bensimon back!
“I do want to work it out. But what are you supposed to do when a girl is hitting you, just sit there like a punching bag?” said the battered boyfriend. “If I had hit her, I’d be sitting in a jail cell right now.”
Bensimon’s hoity toity lawyers have decided to deny deny deny!
“The allegations are by a jilted lover saying she struck him during the course of an argument… his allegations of past abuse are false. We deny the charges, and we are hopeful this will be resolved,” her lawyer informed the press on the incident.
Who do U believe???
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 10, 2009 11:32am PDT

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