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Film Flickers

Reese Looking Yummy, Like A Peanut Butter Cup

DreamWorks has spent tens of millions of dollars to promote their latest animated flick, Monsters vs. Aliens. And that was just during the Super Bowl, when they aired a special, 3-D, three-minute sneak peek.
Let’s hope all that money spent pays off. Especially considering they probably had to pay the celebs voicing the movie some big bucks, like cutie Reese Witherspoon.
But Witherspoon does do her part in helping promote the flick as well.
On Monday, a fresh-looking Reese and co-star Kiefer Sutherland were at the Adlon hotel in Berlin, Germany, for a photocall to promote the movie.
And we have to say, for a mother of two, Reese is looking hot!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 10, 2009 15:18pm PDT