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Richard Gere Denies Dissing Pretty Woman!

Richard Gere PW Quote
So remember that time Richard Gere brushed off Pretty Woman as just a “silly romcom” to Woman’s Day mag?
Yeah, neither does he.
The actor’s publicist is now claiming that the reports of that statement are false and his rep is even calling BS!!!
Gere’s rep states:

“(It’s) all a bunch of BS (bulls**t). He didn├óΓé¼Γäót do an interview with that Australian publication.”

The Aussie magazine is sticking to THEIR side of the story and their journalist, who supposedly got the quote from Richard.
Woman’s Day released a statement reading:

“Woman├óΓé¼Γäós Day stands by our story and our journalist Henry Meller. He spoke to Mr Gere at the Sundance Film Festival ahead of and immediately after the premiere of Arbitrage.”

We’d like to think Richard didn’t say that about one of the most successful romantic comedies of all time!
Which side do U believe???
[Image via Nikki Nelson/WENN.]

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Mar 21, 2012 17:10pm PDT

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